Released Today: Visual Studio 2015, ASP.NET 4.6, ASP.NET 5 & EF 7 Previews

Today is a big day with major release announcements for Visual Studio 2015, Visual Studio 2013 Update 5, and .NET Framework 4.6. All these releases have been covered in great detail on Soma’s Blog, Visual Studio Blog, and .NET Blog

Join us online for the Visual Studio 2015 Release Event, where you can see Soma, Brian Harry, Scott Hanselman, and many other demo new Visual Studio 2015 features and technologies. This year, in a new segment called “In The Code”, we share how a team of Microsoft engineers created a real app in 3 days. There will be opportunities along the way to interact in live Q&A with the team on subjects such as Agile development, web and cloud development, cross-platform mobile dev and much more. 

In this post I’d like to specifically talk about some of the ground we have covered in ASP.NET and Entity Framework.  In this release of Visual Studio, we are releasing ASP.NET 4.6, updating our Visual Studio Web Development Tools, and updating the latest beta release of our new ASP.NET 5 framework.  Below are details on just a few of the great updates available today:

ASP.NET Tooling Improvements

Today’s VS 2015 release delivers some great updates for web development.  Here are just a few of the updates we are shipping in this release:

JSON Editor

JSON has become a first class experience in Visual Studio 2015 and we are now giving you a great editor to allow you to maintain your JSON content.  With support for JSON Schema validation, intellisense, and support for writing and producing JSON content has never been as easy.  We’ve also added intellisense support for bower.json and package.json files for bower and npm package manager use.


HTML Editor Updates

Our HTML editor received a lot of attention in this update.  We wanted to deliver an editor that kept up with HTML 5 standards and provided rich support for popular new frameworks and libraries.  We previously shipped the bootstrap responsive web framework with our ASP.NET templates, and we are now providing intellisense for their classes with an indicator icon to show that they are bootstrap CSS classes.



This helps you keep clear the classes that you wrote in your project, like the page-inner class above, and the bootstrap classes marked with the B icon.

We are also keeping up with support for the emerging web components standard with the import link for the web components that markup imports.


We are also providing intellisense for AngularJS directives and attributes with an appropriate Angular icon so you know you’re triggering AngularJS functionality


JavaScript Editor Improvements

With the VS 2015 release we are introducing support for AngularJS structures including controllers, services, factories, directives and animations.  There is also support for the new EcmaScript 6 features such as classes, arrow functions, and template strings. We are also bringing a navigation bar to the editor to help you navigate between the major elements of your JavaScript.  With JSDoc support to deliver intellisense, JavaScript development gets easier.


ReactJS Editor Support

We spent some time with the folks at Facebook to make sure that we delivered first class capabilities for developers using their ReactJS framework.  With appropriate syntax highlighting and intellisense for React methods, developers should be very comfortable building React applications with the new Visual Studio:


Support for JavaScript package managers like Grunt and Gulp and Task Runners

JavaScript and modern web development techniques are the new recommended way to build client-side code for your web application.  We support these tools and programming techniques with our new Task Runner Explorer that executes grunt and gulp task runners.  You can open this tool window with the Ctrl+Alt+Backspace hotkey combination.


Execute any of the tasks defined in your gruntfile.js or gulpfile.js by right-clicking on the task name in the left panel and choosing “Run” from the context menu that appears.  You can even use this context menu to attach grunt or gulp tasks to project build events in Visual Studio like “After Build” as shown in the figure above.  Every time the .NET objects in your web project are completed compiling, the ‘build’ task will be executed from the gruntfile.js

Combined with the intellisense support for JavaScript and JSON editors, we think that developers wanting to use grunt and gulp tasks will really enjoy this new Visual Studio experience.  You can add grunt and gulp tasks with the newly integrated npm package manager capabilities.  When you create a package.json file in your web project, we will install and upgrade local copies of all packages referenced.  Not only do we deliver syntax highlighting and intellisense for package.json terms, we also provide package name and version lookup against the gallery.


The bower package manager is also supported with great intellisense, syntax highlighting and the same package name and version support in the bower.json file that we provide for package.json.


These improvements in managing and writing JavaScript configuration files and executing grunt or gulp tasks brings a new level of functionality to Visual Studio 2015 that we think web developers will really enjoy.

ASP.NET 4.6 Runtime Improvements

Today’s release also includes a bunch of enhancements to ASP.NET from a runtime perspective.

HTTP/2 Support

Starting with ASP.NET 4.6 we are introducing support for the HTTP/2 standard.  This new version of the HTTP protocol delivers a true multiplexing of requests and responses between browser and web server.  This exciting update is as easy as enabling SSL in your web projects to immediately improve your ASP.NET application responsiveness.


With SSL enabled (which is a requirement of the HTTP/2 protocol), IISExpress on Windows 10 will begin interacting with the browser using the updated protocol.  The difference between the protocols is clear.  Consider the network performance presented by Microsoft Edge when requesting the same website without SSL (and receiving HTTP/1.x) and with SSL to activate the HTTP/2 protocol:



Both samples are showing the default ASP.NET project template’s home page.  In both scenarios the HTML for the page is retrieved in line 1.  In HTTP/1.x on the left, the first six elements are requested and we see grey bars to indicate waiting to request the last two elements.  In HTTP/2 on the right, all eight page elements are loaded concurrently, with no waiting.

Support for the .NET Compiler Platform

We now support the new .NET compilers provided in the .NET Compiler Platform (codenamed Roslyn).  These compilers allow you to access the new language features of Visual Basic and C# throughout your Web Forms markup and MVC view pages.  Our markup can look much simpler and readable with new language features like string interpolation:

Instead of building a link in Web Forms like this:

  <a href="/Products/<%: model.Id %>/<%: model.Name %>"><%: model.Name %></a>

We can deliver a more readable piece of markup like this:

  <a href="<%: $"/Products/{model.Id}/{model.Name}" %>"><%: model.Name %></a>

We’ve also bundled the Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform NuGet package to enable your Web Forms assets to compile significantly faster without requiring any changes to your code or project.

Async Model Binding for Web Forms

Model binding was introduced for Web Forms applications in ASP.NET 4, and we introduced async methods in .NET 4.5  We heard your requests to be able to execute your model binding methods on a Web Form asynchronously with the new language features.  Our team has made this as easy as adding an async=”true” attribute to the @Page directive and return a Task from your model binding methods:

    public async Task<IEnumerable<Product>> myGrid_GetData()


      var repo = new Repository();

      return await repo.GetAll();


We have a blog post demonstrating with more information and tips about this feature on our MSDN Web Development blog.


I introduced ASP.NET 5 back in February and shared in detail what this release would bring. I’ll reiterate just a few high level points here, check out my post Introducing ASP.NET 5 for a more complete run down. 

ASP.NET 5 works with .NET Core as well as the full .NET Framework to give you greater flexibility when hosting your web apps. With ASP.NET MVC 6 we are merging the complimentary features and functionality from MVC, Web API, and Web Pages. With ASP.NET 5 we are also introducing a new HTTP request pipeline based on our learnings from Katana which enables you to add only the components you need with an opt-in strategy. Additionally, included in this release are multiple development features for improved productivity and to enable you to build better web applications. ASP.NET 5 is also open source. You can find us on GitHub, view and download the code, submit changes, and track when changes are made.   

The ASP.NET 5 Beta 5 runtime packages are in preview and not recommended for use in production, so please continue using ASP.NET 4.6 for building production grade apps. For details on the latest ASP.NET 5 beta enhancements added and issues fixed, check out the published release notes for ASP.NET 5 beta 5 on GitHub. To get started with ASP.NET 5 get the docs and tutorials on the ASP.NET site

To learn more and keep an eye on all updates to ASP.NET, checkout the Webdev blog and read along with the tutorials and documentation at

Entity Framework

With today’s release, we not only have an update to Entity Framework 6 that primarily includes bug fixes and community contributions, but we also released a preview version of Entity Framework 7, keep reading for details:

Entity Framework 6.x

Visual Studio 2015 includes Entity Framework 6.1.3. EF 6.1.3 primarily focuses on bug fixes and community contributions; you can see a list of the changes included in EF 6.1.3 in this EF 6.1.3 announcement blog post. The Entity Framework 6.1.3 runtime is included in a number of places in this release. In EF 6.1.3 when you can create a new model using the Entity Framework Tools in a project that does not already have the EF runtime installed, the runtime is automatically installed for you. Additionally, the runtime is pre-installed in new ASP.NET projects, depending on the project template you select.


To learn more and keep an eye on all updates to Entity Framework, checkout the ADO.NET blog.  

Entity Framework 7

Entity Framework 7 is in preview and not yet ready for production yet. This new version of Entity Framework enables new platforms and new data stores. Universal Windows Platform, ASP.NET 5, and traditional desktop applications can now use EF7. EF7 can also be used in .NET applications that run on Mac and Linux. Visual Studio 2015 includes an early preview of the EF7 runtime that is installed in new ASP.NET 5 projects. 


For more information on EF7, check out the GitHub page for what is EF7 all about.



Today’s Visual Studio release is a big one that we are proud to share with you all. Thank you for your continued support by providing feedback on the interim releases (CTPs, Preview, RC).  We are really looking forward to seeing what you build with it.

Hope this helps,


P.S. In addition to blogging, I am also now using Twitter for quick updates and to share links. Follow me @scottgu


  • Awesome!

  • Hi!

    That's great news! 2 days before ETA!
    My question is does it upgrade RC or install aside?

  • Awesome!
    Congratulations to all for this great job. So... Where I can see the EF7 public roadmap?!

  • Is there any schedule for the releases of ASP.NET 5 with .NET Core on Linux, as well as EF 7? When can we expect them to be ready?

  • All the images are borked for me in this blog post.

  • Good stuff! When will .NET 4.6 be supported for Azure Web Apps? Getting error when publishing at the moment (with a dead link).

  • I second Anders comment when will .Net 4.6 be available on Azure Web and Cloudservices? and will they support HTTP/2 ?


  • Great work from your team Scott.

    BTW: How do I get the new Roslyn compiler to kick-in in web.config for "Web Sites"? If I create a new "Web Site" (not a "Web Application") and set it to .NET 4.6, then add a blank Default.aspx page, and try using C# 6 features in the code behind, I get:

    Error CS8026 Feature 'expression-bodied property' is not available in C# 5. Please use language version 6 or greater.

    I would have thought the default template would have worked with C# 6 out of the box. I tried cutting and pasting the <system.codedom> section from an empty "Web Application", but it has problem loading the codedom and VS 2015 gives a different error.

    Or are you deprecating Web Sites with Roslyn and Visual Studio 2015?

    David Taylor

  • For those wondering...I just found the solution to my above question. If you want to use C# 6 with ASP.NET "Web Sites", the default template is not configured to support this (not sure if that was an oversight or by design). To get it working you need to follow these two steps:

    a) Add these RTM code dom elements to web.config:
    <compiler language="c#;cs;csharp" extension=".cs"
    type="Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform.CSharpCodeProvider, Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35"
    warningLevel="4" compilerOptions="/langversion:6 /nowarn:1659;1699;1701"/>
    <compiler language="vb;vbs;visualbasic;vbscript" extension=".vb"
    type="Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform.VBCodeProvider, Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35"
    warningLevel="4" compilerOptions="/langversion:14 /nowarn:41008 /define:_MYTYPE=\&quot;Web\&quot; /optionInfer+"/>

    Then add the Roslyn and Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.*.dll stuff into your BIN directory. It is easy enough to setup, but just was strange to me that the default template wasn't set up for it if you selected .NET 4.6 when creating a new "Web Site" in VS 2015 RTM.


  • Further to David Taylor's comment above, it looks like the system.codedom settings are correct when a Web App is created with the TargetFramework as the default v4.5.2. Changing the TargetFramework to v4.6 appears to modify the compiler settings for CSharp, in a way that causes an issue.

    My workarounds was as follows:
    File/New/ASP.NET Web Application
    Select "Web API" template from ASP.NET 4.5.2 Templates
    Take a copy of the system.codedom element (and its contents) in web.config
    Using Properties/TargetFramework, set the Target Framework to 4.6
    Replace the modified system.codedom element in web.config with the copy taken prior to changing TargetFramework
    Hit F5
    Home Page should load as expected.

    For info, the system.codedom contents immediately after changing TargetFramework to v4.6. was as follows (note use of the Type "Microsoft.CSharp.CSharpCodeProvider":
    <compiler language="c#;cs;csharp" extension=".cs" type="Microsoft.CSharp.CSharpCodeProvider, System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" warningLevel="4" compilerOptions="/langversion:6 /nowarn:1659;1699;1701">
    <providerOption name="CompilerVersion" value="v4.0"/>
    <compiler language="vb;vbs;visualbasic;vbscript" extension=".vb" type="Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform.VBCodeProvider, Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35" warningLevel="4" compilerOptions="/langversion:14 /nowarn:41008 /define:_MYTYPE=\&quot;Web\&quot; /optionInfer+"/>

  • Was really looking forward to this. Uninstalled my RC and wish I hadn't.

    Trying to install Professional 2015 and I get nothing but the .Net Framework 4.6 is corrupt or unreadable.

  • Minghia, questa roba me piace assai!!!

  • Im addicted to 2013 community version. I've installed the 2015 version today but some critical errors accours during the use: problems with open pages (block or no open), debug doesnt work for 80% of the time (breakpoint not reched and so on), no "Go to Definition" reactions...
    I think that must be other work (with updates?) to became function version for everyday work. Hope u help.

  • What's the last screenshot? I see that is osx + vs code, but entity framework?!

  • Great, but we need this

    Bring Windows 10 Universal Apps to Android and iOS

    Create something like what Xamarin is doing in order to help developers to code once and run EVERYWHERE (Wndows 10, windows 10 mobile, android and ios).

    If Microsoft could not buy Xamarin, at least do what they are doing by your own. Make something that enable us to archive real NATIVE cross platform development. It could dramatically increase the numbers of developers using .net to create mobile applications as well as increasing the number of apps created to wp too, since app could be compiled to ios, android AND WINDOWS PHONE. Hibrid apps like apache Cordova has a lot of potential but right now it is limited to offer a bad user experience when compared to the native apps you could build native with native objective-c on iOS, java on Android or C# (on Xamarin.Forms o WP and Windows 8). Porting .net to others platforms is good, but go further MS, create something that help us to "code once and run everywhere. And by EVERYWHERE I mean, not just windows, I mean: Native apps on Android, iOS, Windows PC, Windows Mobile, Xbox, HoloLens and to on. Bring us a tool that enable us to make Visual Studio Universal Apps REALLY UNIVERSAL (running as well on android and iOS).

    We want a Framework that enable us to build NATIVE.
    By the way Xamarin Starter edition has a very limited package size so is almost impossible to create even small apps with an organised architecture (multi layers) and its licences fees is very expensive too.
    Hey M$ look to the opportunity a tool like Xamarin could bring to the windows ecosystem. It could help you to resolve the app gap Windows Phone suffers so far. With a tool that can help developers to build native applications to windows as well as to android and iOS could bring the apple and android developers interest to use it and since it will be able to compile to windows phone then they will not have why to do not do so. It will also bring mobile developers form other platforms (android and iOS) to Visual Studio and .NET.

  • Thanks Scott for this awesome release. And I second Eders comments re: Xamarin. If you can afford to buy Minecraft for 2.5 Billion, you can afford to buy Xamarin -- it's the last missing link for Developers. The high license fees for Xamarin are preventing us from using it and fully expanding to ALL platforms.

  • Very good upgrades in 2015 and if not present, it'll be useful for VS2015 have code cleanup, lint (or similar), documentation support and responsive class editor.

  • @David Taylor @Martin, the new CodeDOM provider does not come with the empty Website template. You can install to get the provider.

  • Great News. Congratulation to all.

  • This is awesome.
    Excited !!

  • Great upgrades.

  • I talked to Scott Hanselman a while back on this (and have NOT heard a peep yet).

    Is there anything anyone at MS can talk about in regards to HTTP2 support (like a module update) for Windows Server 2012 R2 and Azure?

    It seems like it shouldn't be that far out, since we already have it in Windows 10?

    This would be a WinINet update or an updated IIS module?


  • Very Nice!
    BTW What is "Twitter"

  • Any time scale on 4.6 availability on azure web apps?

  • Sounds like a rather disappointing release with little substance for devs?
    ASP.NET 5 - still in beta, not included
    EF7 - not included

    I wonder how many devs would prefer to just stay on vs2013, as VS2015 isn't the big release its name appears to suggest.
    (sure, C# 6 has some more syntactic sugar tacked on, but honestly, who cares? )

  • Nice and useful information. Thanks for sharing this new update with us. More helpful for all who are working with language. I have a little bit knowledge about from "mywindowshosting" site. It is a good hosting site.

  • VS 2015 seems a mess to me - I can't get anything to work due to DNX Core issues, although this could be down to my lack of understanding. The whole idea of developing on different OS' is a nice concept but in practice how many enterprise developers will use it? IMHO it's too niche, if you use VS the chances are you use Windows. I've gone back to VS2013 for paid development work.

    MSFT is getting better at delivering quicker but still doesn't seem to understand that delivering quickly without adding value is almost worse than not delivering at all. Ask the community what they want, not just solve technical problems because they're a challenge.

    What I want is as mentioned above - a way to write true universal apps for all platforms, not an IDE that I can use on all platforms.

  • Scott - any way to get the icon to change from the pre-release one? I upgraded in-place and despite going to properties and trying to change the icon, I still see "pre" under the icon. devenv.exe has the right one, but devenv.pkgdef (in Windows Explorer) shows the "pre" too.

  • Scott - Congrats! The updated tooling in VS2015 is amazing and immediately improved my productivity on Web App development. But where did the Page Inspector go? Is it hidden somewhere?

  • Maybe I'm reading those screenshots wrong, but that doesn't look like HTTP/2 was actually any faster.

  • Is vNext included in Visual Studio 2015 ?

  • Any video online demonstrating editor support / itellisense for JS libs like React and Angular? How does VS2015 understand that an React syntax is being written? A more detail on this will be appreciated.

  • Alan,

    I feel your pain. ASP.NET 5 is nowhere near beta, let along beta5. The examples on the web are just wrong. I spent 4 hours getting unit tests to work, which was a nightmare of fiddling version numbers in the various project.json.

    I'm really excited about the new direction, and really hoped I could start the basics of some projects in ASP.NET 5, but it's not nowhere near that.

    Alpha at best.

  • Very good, liked the straightforwardness of bringing Gulp into my VS workflow. I don't seem to have intellisense for Bootstrap though, I'm using Bower to bring the files into the project - is that the problem perhaps?

  • Hi there!! It is nice to see ASP.NET 5 features. But the biggest drawback from my perspective is there is no support for Visual basic on it. I request to MICROSOFT to look after this matter as soon as possible. Because some of us those who are used to with Visual Basic , is very painful to convert from Visual Basic to C#. I will be very great if MICROSOFT add Visual Basic support . I also like to add that most of our development is based on Visual Basic as clients requirements.

    Thank you

  • hi scott ,
    can i plz get more details about the event "In The Code" ?

  • I really like what MS has been doing and hope you keep on doing. I must say please continue to be open for suggestions from developers and make a great community for .NET lovers. Also, I wish you do better in web applications considering your move of making .NET available to Linux w/c is what majority of companies prefer to use.

    Thanks ASP.NET team and new Microsoft! You rock!

  • Please focus more on web server applications because business applications is your forte right? Also, I really hope that "code once, run everywhere" will be achieved by MS soon. Many are interested to .NET it's just that mobile and web is the emerging/necessity for now and your platform has lots of bad sides. Anyway good luck!

  • Reactjs support would be awesome, if it works..

    I am using VS 2015, typing some react code is very sluggish once I begin writing html tags in the jsx file.

  • @Reactjs developer Are you getting IntelliSense or at least no errors (red squiggly lines) when writing HTML in JSX? It does not seem to work for me in any case. Any suggestion would help.

  • @Reactjs developer @Ibrahim, that does sound like a bad bug. Can you please send me the .jsx file that cause the issue so we can investigate? Send it to madsk at microsoft com. Thanks

  • Good gravy. I have never been this turned on by a set of software releases.

  • @Mads Kristensen It was just a new empty .jsx

  • Good :)

  • Hi,
    This is really good news but I have once concern why Microsoft release after 1 to year new version we want to switch job new company ask for new tools and technology changes in interview and it hard to answer new things and as well every time learn new stuff. New comer are better than us in latest technologies so I think MS should release new version after 5 year with major changes.
    I know this is source of income for MS :)
    But still they should think about there loyal developer :P
    And last one thing MS should give some like Xamarin free so that developer like me who wanted to learn and practice new stuff he should have some plate form to learn at his own ...


  • Amazing improvements, looking forward to use these :)

  • This is amazing. Congratulations to all team ScottGu.

  • i'm also very disapointed from business point of view that you event don't make an effort to make migrator of web form to mvc. i would be really happy to have such tool even if we will have to correct code after conversion.

    you as Microsoft did the same with windows phone and other technologies that you stop support old technologies and from business point of view you limit number of application that you will have in your store;

    if you will have less number of applications in your store it means that your community slim dowm;

    at the end i also understand that very are limitations of new technology and ideas but you as Microsoft always has huge community of solution providers, and today ... (slim down)

    when peaople will have write application FROM SCRUTCH do you think that they will always choose your technology and plataform?

    please consider migration tools that will help even if it will not migrate whole project but tool migrate file by file with related files, it will be programmers job, but tool will help

  • How can I upgrade Visual Studio Communite 2013 to 2015?

  • Will the upgrade from 2013 to 2015 and ASP.NET 4 to ASP.NET 5 be seamless or will it require lot of changes.
    We have lot of applications in ASP.NET 4

  • First of all great job! I just hope MS will keep the work on web forms and web pages. Because it looks like now everything is MVC (all the tuts, news) and really not everyone want to go that way...We use web pages for small sites and it works great and for all intranet apps web forms, so hope both will stay with us for some time

  • I really like the general direction you are taking with .net and visual studio but honestly (and i am really sorry to say that) this is completely PAINFUL. Months ago i tought your road map was very aggressive, now i can say thats it´s just crazy. All the core changes are messy, every 'beta' leads to a lot of main breaking points. Entity framework is absolutely naked, and .NET 5 look more an alpha version.
    Please don´t make developers loose time with false beta versions and try to deliver more consistent versions with a softer migration road.

  • Its great news!!

  • How can I upgrade Visual Studio 2013 to 2015?

  • great news! Thanks :))

  • Its great news!! How can I upgrade Visual Studio 2013 to 2015?

  • Hi,

    great work but I am worried about critical bug mentioned at

    Please advise.

  • I tried the ReactJs intellisense but I think it still buggy, and very slow. Hope it will be fixed soon.

    When will the Asp.NET 5 release happen?

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